Jumat, 10 Januari 2020

Daily bakpia ing 2

That is my target for this week and there is still a long way to go in the pastry that I will try. Starting yesterday and today I am still trying to make pia until it is rated at the best hahaahaa ..
still the same type as yesterday only there was a slight correction of the shape of the pia by weight on the flour of ingredient A 12g while material B 5g then molding round and then soaking with oil for 5 minutes. After that, fold 3x to have a layer.
Now this technique is rather difficult because the dough dries quickly so it will be difficult to cover it down perfectly. the point of error usually occurs in the ingredients A dough because I made it like a long dough of bread dough hard when add filling will also be difficult to cover, this bad result will be seen at the last step bake. The chocolate filling will melted out and also the bottom will feel very hard like a rock.

It's okay at least the experiment this time I know better where my mistakes are and learn again.

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