Kamis, 08 Maret 2018

My Daily Activity English Vers.


        Today, as usual, we lined up in front of kitchen at 08.00 am. When we lined up, seniors absenced and checking the tools one by one. After that, we saved the bag in locker and than we lined up again in cold kitchen. Because Mr. Syahrial not yet  came, So seniors told us to read the small book. After that, group one out from cold kitchen for research and group two worked.

        while we discussed about research, suddenly it was raining heavily. So, we ran to class in the kitchen. In class, we very busy with their mobile phone. Suddenly, seniors came and advertised us. So, we discussed again. After discussed, seniors told us to helped group two for plating the food.

        After plating, seniors gave time to break for an hour. So, kurnia and me went to the canteen for ate. After ate, kurnia and me went to the mosque for pray. After pray, kurnia and me went to the cold kitchen for lined up. After lined up, we general cleaning. After that, we back to th
e home.

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