Selasa, 06 Maret 2018

My Daily Activity English Vers.


       Today, as usual, we lined up in front the kitchen at 08.00 am. When we lined up, seniors absenced and chek the tool one by one. After that, we saved the bag in locker and than we lined up again in cold kitchen. While we waited Mr. Syahrial, seniors asked all of me about our small book one by one. When seniors asked me, suddenly Mr. Syahrial came in cold kitchen. But Mr. Syahrial just asked about prepare for tomorrow ?

       After seniors asked all of me about our small book, group two ready to work and grup one discussed about reasearch. For today, I am very lazy to thingking about research. So, I just playing my handphone. But, my group very busy to searching about that until 11.30 am. And 11.30 am group one lined up in cold to prepare for tomorrow.

       Before we lined up, I was able to helped my friend for platting  the food. After that, I lined up. My group to be responsible for chicken salad hawaiian. So my group to be responsible for chiken salad hawaiian. So, my group ready to prepare the ingredients. After that, we got a break for half an hour. After break, we general cleanibg. After generak cleaning, we baxk to the home.

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