Senin, 05 Maret 2018

My Daily Activity English Vers.

        Today, as usual, we lined up behind the kitchen at 08.00 am. When we lined up seniors always absence and axamined the apparatus one by one. After that, we back lined up in cold kitchen. When we lined up in cold kitchen, we discuss a little about menu for today. And then, Mr. Syahrial joined with us for clarified about this menu.

        During the discussion, initially weare very busy with our respective mobile phon. When we call have their own ideas, ee are just starting a discussuin. We discuss about how to make potato flour for produck onde-onde, than we discuss about how to changed janlangkote stuffing and the skin becomes purple, and then, we discuss to made putu cake cry be modern.

        Finally, we went to office for informing us about the title of our research with Mr. Wawan. But, Mr. Wawan less approved of iur title, because Mr. Wawan said " You should not changed the traditional food. Because, Traditional food is the food left by our ancestors. So, we should appreciate it. After that we break. After break we general cleaning, than we back to the home.

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