Rabu, 07 Februari 2018

My Daily Activity ( English Vers. )


       Today I'm rather late coming to campus because heavy rain. So, I have to slowly ride a motorcycle. So nothing happens and can arrive safely. When I arrived in campus, I report to senior if I arrive too late than I oneline. We immediately started the preparation of english breakfast. And my group assigned to make muffins.

       After my group finished making muffins, we lined up again to prepare menu for tomorrow. My group assigned to prepare beef satay and fried chiken noddle. Fahmi and I collect some ingredients that want to be cut into pieces like onion, garlic, carrot, celery, leek, etc.

       After cutting up some ingredients, I started looking for a job and I helped my friend who was preparing for beef satay. After the satay seasoning is ready, suddenly someone give me tickets for breakfast in restaurant poltekpar. But I'm not go because I'm very busy for pull out skin and head shrimp. So my tickets scorched.



Prepare for Beef Satay

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