Selasa, 20 Februari 2018

My Daily Activity English Vers.

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       Did you know what day is it ? Yes, it's Tuesday. Where today only first group were cooking and the second group were work on literacy. Before we start practice, we all listening to a motivation and material from Mr. Syahrial. After that, we directed by seniors for cooking. Today, I am responsible for make hard roll. So, I have to make hard roll as many as 40 seeds.

       Now, I am very busy for scale all the ingredients. Because,I have to make 2 recipe. I'am very distressed to weigh the ingredients. So I told Kurnia to help me out. when all the ingredients were finished, Mr. Syahrial was enter into the pastry to see the progress of  hard roll, yellow batter cake, and French bread. and when Mr. Syahrial finished to helps the making of French bread, Mr. Syahrial helped me to make a hard roll because the ingredients is very much.

       when my friends and I were finished to make a hard roll, then I proofed and then I baked it. while waiting for my hard roll was baking, I got around kitchen to see my friends and seniors doing. and then I went to the oven to check the hard roll. when the hard roll was baked, I start to help my friend to plating. then after plating, we have to bring all the foods to restaurant. after that, the second group were enter to prepare and the first group is break. after breaking for some minutes, we did general cleaning, and prepare to go home.

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