Selasa, 06 Februari 2018

My Daily Activity ( English Vers. )

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

       Today we all told to come to the kitchen at 07.00am for prepare breakfast. At 7 o'clock, myfriends are still many who have not been present, but we still continue our routine activities in the morning is oneline behind the kitchen for absence. After we were all absence, we lined up again in the cold kitchen for listen to a little motivation with seniors, than we prepare for English Muffin.

       When we have started to prepare, Mr.Syahrial come to the cold kitchen for give we a little motivation and explain about Amerivan Breakfast. after that, we have started prepare the ingredients. But, Mr. Ical told us to go back into the cold kitchen, because Mr.Ical will share what foods should be made in each group. And my gruop be responsible for make fruit comport for breakfast.

       After our group finished making fruit comfort, we were immediately rested. after break, we lined up again in cold kitchen because seniors want us all to introduce ourself. And than Mr. Ical come for give we how to do the task on the blog. Finally, we can general cleaning. After general cleaning we back to the home. 

Fruit Comport

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