Kamis, 03 Mei 2018

My Daily Activity English Vers.

          Today, we are required to came at 07.00 am because, today we are told to try all the ingredients in the material storage. When we all have been told lined up in cold kitchen, Senior told me to take galangal. After that, Senior shows us the difference of ginger, kencur, galangal, and turmeric. So, when friends have started to understood the difference.

         Senior also showed us the difference between soya oil, salad oil, sesame oil. After we had understood the difference between the oils, Senior also showed us again the difference between white vinegar, red vinegar, and black vinegar. Where from the color alone is different, but between the smell of black vinegar and red vinegar I think it smells almost the same. So it is with soya oil and salad oil.

         Seniors showed us the differences between garlic, shallot, and onion. Although we all already know the difference because the three foods are food penalties when we can't answer the question when the review or when we made a mistake. So when, Senior finished cutting garlic, shallot, and onion, Seniors also told us one by one to see the difference.





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