Selasa, 15 Mei 2018

My Daily Activity English Vers.

this time the second day in the last week we practice before Final Exam. On this day the weather is very bright and hot, not feel H-2 we approached the Fasting. This time I am not bored of retelling my activities during the kitchen because today I and my group 1 friends off but we will prepare at 10:20 am, we prepare early so that all our work quickly finished and quickly rest.

This morning I went to campus alone because two of my friends were sick and could not go to school, because today is New Student's Day at our SBMPTNP track test, so I can see new faces. Ok we go to kekitchen. Dikitchen us oneline a bit slow either what time it is. Well! The menu that the group 2 yesterday prepare is typical Indonesian cuisine such as Jalangkote, Soup Sosok Utan, Konro bakar, and Pisang Ijo.

Me and my friends always help my group 2 who need help but before that we prepare for the menu tomorrow which is Chinese Food, and my group got dessert menu that is Tang Yuan, after prepare Tang Yuan finish, I go to help my friend who making Tang Zhong because some of his group's friends have gone to Table Manner for Breakfast.

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