Kamis, 17 Mei 2018

My Daily Activity English Vers.

          Before I started my story, I would like to say WELCOME TO RAMADHAN. So, today is the first day for Muslims to fast in the month of ramadhan. And today, we still have to go to college or go to the kitchen. However, today we are allowed to arrive in the afternoon, and the limit is only until 13.00 pm.

          Today I wake up at 07.00 am then I sleep again and wake up agin at 11.40 am. Today, I will went to the campus with Fausiah, because I know if I will arrive late. So, I came in campus with Fausiah at 13.30 pm. Arriving at the kitchen, I immediately started help group2 to cook. Because today we want to BUKBER, so we must to quikly cook because we all want to direct general cleaning.

          When general cleaning, Kurnia, Darma, Dina, Dini, Fisal, and me vey busy to lift the wate, because the wate in the tap cold kitchen less tap wate flowing. Afte the task of geneal cleaning we finished. Finally we open the fasting together.

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