Rabu, 18 April 2018

My Daily Activity English Vers.

          Today, I came as usual before 08.00 am. At 08.00 o'clock, seniors immediately told us to go lined up. But, when we had started line up outside the kitchen, suddenly seniors told us to go line up in the cold kitchen. So we all go to the locker first to store the bag, then oneline in the cold kitchen to be absent. After the absence seniors gave us time for 15 minutes to read small book, because seniors wanted our review one by one. As we were on review, Chef Dino came in suddenly to give us material and direction for today's practice.

       When Chef Dino finished to give us directions, the seniors told us to continue the review. After we all finished in the review, group 1 immediately did and group 2 started preparing for tomorrow's menu. When doing I start busy to make vegetable soup. I started blanch corn and peas. After that, I started preparing the starch and eggs for the supplements. After I finished my preparation, I started helping other groups in need of help. After that, I ask permission in seniors to pray.

       After the prayer, I went back to the cold kitchen for plating soup. First, I took the soup and started pouring the soup. After close resto we immediately return lined up to start the general cleaning division After that we started general cleaning After the general cleaning we were eating. We had to spend all the food we made and we were happy to eat it. After eating, I immediately wash the bowl used and then lined up. After the lined up, we went home to each other.


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