Selasa, 17 April 2018

My Daily Activity English Vers.

  Today in the morning we are doing the ceremony each dated 17 at 07.30 0’clock. We are using full uniform. After the ceremony, we are changed clothes from complete uniform shirts into practice suits and then go to the kitchen for prarctice.

          At 08.40 o’clock we are MTB 2B class Oneline in the kitchen and absent by supervisor incharge today. After that we are oneline in the coldkitchen and waiting Mr. Ical for showing fillet fish Salmon.

          At 11.15 o’clock are the group 2 doing for lunch today. And then group 1 prepare Chinese Food for tomorrow and me and my friend get menu Tang Zhong. Me and my friends making Tang Zhong in Pastry section start preparing to bake it.

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