Kamis, 23 Agustus 2018

My Daily Activity English Vers.

          Today is exactly my turn to be a class leaders,  so I came earlier than before. I arrived today at 06.40 am because today was my first day to be a kitchen leaders. So I was waiting for my friend who’s more experienced than me. After 10 mins of waiting, Sally’s finally came and told me if I had to take the kitchen’s key and chiller at security. So, I went to the security. After that, I opened kitchen’s door, windows, and chiller.

          After done those things, I filled some of letters that have been stuck on walls. Afterwards, I did oneline outside the kitchen. While oneline, some of seniors began to divide the menu today. My group got to do a pho bo and tom yan goong. After oneline, we were cooking together. I took some of ingredients to make pho bo. After pho bo already done, I started to help my friend for making tom yam goong. And me and Miftah were explained at the office room.

          After me and Miftah were explained. We had to wash all of the stuffs that we use. Today were me, Fatta, and Mifta who did steward. We started to eat and went back to steward. Because today I’m the class leaders, I had to wash every trash on the kitchen’s area. After I went back from steward, I took a rest for a while and waited for everyone who had done gc. After gc, I still had to take a look every place to make sure it’s clean and check the temperature on chiller and freezer. After did that, we were doing oneline, and went back to our home.

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