Senin, 05 Agustus 2019

Daily lunch box ing

Assalamualaikum Wr.  Wb back again on my blog, today has entered the second practice week with a atmosphere that is somewhat different from the initial week of practice. For this week, especially on Monday and Tuesday we handle lunch boxes and morning coffee at the job fair. The event is an event that is often done at the Poltekpar campus for people who want to get a job.

We were divided into 3 groups consisting of groups 1, 2, and 3 where group 1 handled the first menu, which was for the luunch box, group 2 handled the second menu on Tuesday for lunch box and group 3 handled the morning coffee. We started preparing on Sunday at 08.00 and finished at 22.00.

After a Sunday full of drama, on Monday with a slightly cooler atmosphere from yesterday. because on mondays it's not so complicated just the rest is put into the food box and there are a few small dramas that occur, like unripe rice and it has entered at 09.40 and nothing has gone wrong yet, so the lunch box comes out at 11.00.

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