Kamis, 25 Juli 2019

Daily my first week

          Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.         

          Yuhuuuu guys come back again on my blog.  Today after completing practical work at The Bellevue Suite, Jakarta. Finally, my friends and I who had also completed practical work returned to campus. After six months, a lot of things have changed, starting from the kitchen, regulations on the kitchen, etc. Now we have entered semester 5, and in this semester  we will focus on pastry and bakery.

          In the first week, we entered the practice class, where this is the first time we practice again in the kitchen poltekpar after 6 months. This week we are still adjusting. This week, we were divided into 2 groups, the American Food group and the Korean food group.  And I'm included in the Korean Food group.

          This week we entered into fast food learning. Fast food is fast food that has previously been carried out in the initial processing process so that when there is an order only the processing (hot) continued with relative and fast time. So it can be in the field of fast food served in less than 15 minutes.

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