
Rabu, 12 Desember 2018

Daily Activity English Vers.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatu. Today is the final day for group 3. Today group 3 is Me, Fausia, Wanda, Mifta, Intan, Sally, Ira, Edo, Syam, and Asmil. Today we get the Ala 'carte menu 2. When distributing menus, I am given the responsibility for making soup. Today I made Potato Chowder and Pho bo. And I check what ingredients are lacking for soup.

Because today we were told to be ready 30 pax. And I have prepared as much as needed. Today the food must be ready at 11:00, there are some of my friends who want to help handle the soup, Nata and Lina. I myself took the time to learn and read the terminology of Potato Chowder and Pho Bo. And also looking for attractive plating sources for soup.

By the time it was 11.00 and the soup I made was ready in the soup cup for presenting and ingredients to explain in front of Mr. Ical later. Soon the restaurant was opened, my friend Nata and I went to get cup soup at the aboyer. While waiting for the order to come, I cleaned the tools that I had used and washed them and then put them back into place.

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