
Kamis, 08 November 2018

Daily Activity English Vers.

          Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu. Today is our last day in the week of practice. So when I arrived in my kitchen, I went straight to the locker to store the jacket bag and then the shelf then we were lined up. Because yesterday I was not present, so I didn't know about the assignment.

          Because yesterday I was absent, I immediately saw Azizah's rice pudding. And thank God, the rice pudding is beautiful. Because the rice pudding was ready, I also helped my friend Milna to make Inji Porridge. I also helped him to stir up the pulp until thick. After that while waiting for the restaurant to open, I also helped Azizah to make an LSP video. Soon the restaurant opened.

          When there are people ordering dessert, the direct pastry child is very busy for plating. Then after kai plating took him to the aboyer. Soon the restaurant was closed. When the restaurant was closed, we immediately saved the leftovers for our friends to eat. When we have finished eating, we also carry out general cleaning. After our general cleaning, we took a short break. Then not long after we were lined up then went home to each other.

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