
Senin, 05 November 2018

Daily Activity English Vers.

          Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu. Today I went to the campus before at 08.00 o'clock. When I arrived in the kitchen I went straight to locker for save my bag and my jacket. And then we lined up. When we lined up told us togather with group. Today myvpartner is Azizah and my group in pastry.

         After the group division, Mr. Ical entered to give us some material before doing. After Mr. Ical finished, we immediately began to prepared. Azizah and I immediately made the rice pudding because the rice pudding had to be stored in a chiller overnight to make it better.

          After we finished making rice pudding, we immediately stored it in the chiller. Then I helped my friend who was washing red rice to make porridge. After everything was finished, we went out to eat. After eating, me and some of my pastry friends started to carry out general cleaning. Then soon after we were oneline. After oneline we went home to each other.


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