
Selasa, 21 Agustus 2018

My Daily Activity English Vers.

       Today we were told by Mr. Ical to come to campus at 7:15 a.m., whoever hasn't arrived, will be in alpha for 4 hours. So today I raced with a motorbike. I arrived on campus at 07.04. I went straight to the locker to keep a jacket. After that, we were oneline outside the kitchen for absence and inspection of equipment. Even less equipment will eat garlic. And thank God today, Kurnia, Maya and Fausia fasted. So we are free of garlic.

       After checked the tool, we returnex to oneline to discuss about what we prepare yesterday. After that, I immediately fried all Potato Paties. While frying, sometimes I  helped friends who need help. When I dropped the potato paties again, there was an incident. The incident was that foam on the oil is mostly due to eggs, so I panicked. But Sis Al, helped me to filter all the foam. Finally the oil returned to normal.

       After I finished frying Potato Paties (Perkedel), I also helped my friend who was making cangkuning doko-doko. I also helped make the outer skin. After I finished helping to make the outer skin, I also started plating soup which I made then Fausia and Mifta which will explain in front of Mr. Wawan. After that, we also have general cleaning. After general cleaning done, friends started eating. After our meal, we did general cleaning a little then oneline. After oneline we went home.

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