
Selasa, 07 Agustus 2018

Daily Activity English Vers.

          Hello readers, today was the first day I went into the kitchen after day of day and weeks. Today we practiced with juniors, so there were some of my friend who were junior in size and there were also some of my friends sent to Gammara hotels to practice there. So that the kitchen was not crowded because most of people there. Today, I pecked up Fausia at her house, so Fausia and I arrived late at the campus. Arriving on campus, it turned out that we were not late because the junior had to be on line first.

          After the juniors did oneline, then us, students of semester 3. After did oneline we went directly to the locker to store the bag and then oneline for group distribution and the food we had to serve. Today, I was included in group 4 with Nastassya, Intan, Sally, Ilham, Fatta and Ardian. And the food we had to serve was soup and we also had to cook stick rice and Japanese rice.

          So, the guys from our group are tasked to take care of everything related to meat and we, the women, take care of vegetables, sauce, etc. Today, I was very busy to make rice, because we were told to make 4 Kg of rice, then we were told again to make 2 Kg of Japanese rice. After I finished making Japanese rice, I was busy making Onigir. After the onogiri was finished, we began to plating and then gave it to MTH children to be served at the Poltekpar Restaurant.

          After that, Nastassya and I were told to repack the squid and shrimp, but when we temporarily wrapped up Mr. Ical told us to oneline, to give us a menu for tomorrow so we can prepare. After that, we immediately prepared and my group was the one who prepared the longest, because we had to make shrimp stock, chicken stock, and fish stock. So, when we were making stock, other friends started GC. After that we were given time to eat and then back again. After GC, we jocked on the kitchen terrace. After a few minutes waiting for us to oneline and hear useful comments about our food.

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