
Senin, 14 Mei 2018

My Daily Activity English Vers.

          Today, as usual I came before at 08.00 am and today I don't carry my tool bag, because my tool bag in my friend and my friend is Linda. Linda borrowed my tool bag last week. When I arrived in the kitchen, I immediately find Fahmi to asked my tool bag, but it turns out Linda didn't leave it. That's when I really want to go home for fear of equipment inspection. But unfortunately, today I get a schedule to become the head of the class. So, I take absence at Ma'am Sury. After I took absence, I went starigh away to borrow the tool bag at my friend who was in class A and stayed in the dormitory.

          When I returned to the kitchen, we went lined up. After that, as usual I have to went to the locker for saved my bag and my jacket. Than, welined up again in the cold kitchen. At the moment that, when seniors asked us about menu foe today, my friend and I can't response because we forgot. After that, seniors told us to read the small book, because the seniors wants our reviuw one by one and if we can't answer, than we will eat garlic. After the review, seniors began to distribute 1 menu of food for each group that practice and that group practice today is group 2 and group 1 just helped.

           Because today there Jalangkote, so I helped my friend to make Jalangkote. I helped to cut onion, shallot, garlic, potatoes, and carrots. After I finished to cut all, I helped my friends to make a Pisang Ijo. But because a lot of people that have been helped, I finally were just interfere with my friends who is also not have a job. After that, I was called Fahmi to try the peanut sauce he made. After trying, I started to look for a drink.

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